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A new year means new opportunities for you and your small business. This is the perfect time for your business to start fresh and set new goals. Whether last year was one of your best or if your business fell on hard times, it’s time to reflect and reevaluate to make sure your business is off to a great, successful start to the new year.

Go Over Your Business Plan

Think about the last time you really looked at and evaluated your business plan. If it had been a long time or you can’t even remember the last time you did, the new year is the perfect time to look it over again. When reviewing your business plan, think about whether it is still aligned with the current company goals or if you have gone off course in any way. Take the time to change anything if need be and find new ways to keep your business on track. 

Create New Business Goals

At the start of the year, many people think about their personal goals and resolutions. As a business owner, your focus should be on the new goals you want to achieve for your business. List what you want your business to achieve over the next year and be sure to be specific about. Don’t just write down your resolutions; create the strategies you’ll put in place to achieve them and know how you will measure your results. 

Learn a New Skill or Strategy

Whether you have owned your business for decades or just finished your first year, it’s important to always learn something new and acquire new business skills. The new year is a perfect time to make a commitment to learning something new that will benefit your business. Seek out help from business consultants, trainers, or business coaches to build up a new set of skills and expand your knowledge. 

Help Your Community

Before helping your business, make an effort to help others because those who give, get. Make a difference by finding a worthy cause within your community. People want to work with businesses who give back to the community and show they care. Remember, as a business, you don’t always have to donate money. It’s always great to share any of your products or services with an organization or people in need. You can also serve on a committee, become a mentor, or volunteer with groups in the community.

Meet Barry Kornfeld