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Barry Kornfeld’s Blog

Setting Boundaries in a Family Business

Setting Boundaries in a Family Business

Family businesses are advantageous - but they can also be challenging. On top of facing all the typical difficulties that a regular company will come up against, there are the added complications of mixing money and family, among other things. So, that raises the...

The Best Marketing Tips for Mom and Pop Shops

The Best Marketing Tips for Mom and Pop Shops

Branding, marketing, and communication are all essential parts of a small business’s tool kit. This is how a company can stand out from the crowd. More importantly, it’s how a business ensures that potential customers know about them, remember them - and keep coming...

The Code of Conduct for a Family Business

The Code of Conduct for a Family Business

It isn’t “just business” when you’re working with your family. Although sharing a family business can be wonderful and even empowering, family dynamics can quickly get in the way and make business personal. Anything from sibling rivalry, generational differences, and...

How to Prepare Future Generations for the Family Business

How to Prepare Future Generations for the Family Business

To keep a successful family business on its feet for years to come, it’s essential to have a plan for future generations. No matter how well your business has done or how long it has been around, with new years come new challenges. To keep the business growing and...

Lessons Learned From a Family Business

Lessons Learned From a Family Business

From startups to corporations, there is no more challenging and fulfilling business than a family business. The first breed of entrepreneurs, those who begin a family business, will deal with incredible challenges that lead to shared success. Other businesses can...

The Importance of Strategic Planning for a Family Business

The Importance of Strategic Planning for a Family Business

To remain strong and financially successful, family businesses must understand and recognize the importance of strategic planning. It’s crucial to always be willing to change and develop new strategies for their business. Rather than sticking to the old ways or how...

Mistakes Every Family-Owned Business Should Avoid

Mistakes Every Family-Owned Business Should Avoid

Believe it or not, most businesses in America are family-owned and run. According to Conway Center for Family Business, up to 80% of companies belong to families. Likely, when one pictures a family business, they’re thinking of a smaller scale business: the...

How Shopping Local Can Boost the Economy

How Shopping Local Can Boost the Economy

Supporting a small or family-owned business goes far beyond showing a neighbor or a member of your community support. Local businesses have a significant influence on the economy, especially in the past year when so many of them had to shut their doors since the...

The Best Mom and Pop Shops in Florida

The Best Mom and Pop Shops in Florida

Shopping local is a great way to find unique spots in your area. Florida is home to many amazing local shops and family-owned businesses. From unique restaurants, cafes, flower shops, and vintage stores, there is something for everyone. Whether or not you live in...